Survive and Thrive in a Changing Job Marketplace, Today and Tomorrow

The doors have never revolved this fast. While still managing the work impacts of COVID-19, companies are entering growth mode while coping with the “Great Resignation” of talent. HR teams are being pressed to find diamonds amid disruption and establish the new normal in workplace hiring and retention.

What employees expect and their willingness to seek it elsewhere has changed the dynamic for HR managers and employers.

Understanding what’s changed can create opportunities amid upheaval. In this eBook, you’ll get topical insights on trending issues, like:2022HRChallenges

  • Making your company more attractive to work at to ensure staff stability amid the “Great Resignation”

  • Taking advantage of vaccine exemptions to expand your talent pool

  • Promoting greater diversity, equity, and inclusion to attract the best candidates

Complete the form to download the eBook and learn more about how HR teams can convert challenges into successes this year – and beyond.

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