Address Retention Challenges with Tips & Resources from HR Experts

Employees and job seekers want to work for a company that offers good benefits and a positive workplace culture

More than 50% of new hires leave their roles within 18 months, a turnover trend that has affected many companies as part of the “Great Resignation.” As a follow-up to our “Strategies to Retain the New Workforce” webinar, we compiled tips and resources from our panelists and moderator to help guide companies in how they can encourage more workers to stay.

Retention Handout PreviewIn the resources handout, you will learn how to:

  • Attract and retain talent with an employee value proposition (EVP)
  • Educate supervisions on how to identify, understand, and respond to diversity issues
  • Reduce turnover by addressing worker needs
  • Leverage diversity as a differentiator for retention


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 1 Jeff Hyman, The Number One Reason People Fail In New Roles (It's Not What You Think), Feb 21, 2019,

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